Rapid elemental analysis
for mining industry
Lightigo offers analytical instruments for laser-based detection of all main geology elements including the Lithium, other light elements and REEs …
Who is Lightigo?
Lightigo s.r.o. is a technology company focused on the development and production of analytical instruments based on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, one of the most promising techniques in elemental analysis today.
Lightigo was founded in August 2019 by researchers and hardware developers who have years of experience in LIBS research and development.
Headquarters address
Lightigo s.r.o. Renneská třída 329/13, 639 00 Brno, Czech Republic
VAT: CZ02731410 | info@lightigo.com | +420 728 768 164
Offices – correspondence address
Lightigo s.r.o., Hlavní 104, Lelekovice, 664 31, Czech Republic
“Our Mission is to introduce the benefits of LIBS to the market in the form of analytical instruments designed with the accent on the high performance, stability and user experience.“
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