

Design of miniFly enclosure (Design krytování pro přístroj miniFly)

Project for designing the enclosure and overall user ergonomy for the miniFly – the new product line of Lightigo`s laboratory and industrial analytical solutions. The project was funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Culture’s DesignCredits program.

Projekt je podpořen z finančních prostředků EU.

Funded by: DesignCredits by Ministry of Culture (Czech republic): 0462000172 and by European Union
Faktum Design s.r.o., IČ: 27705021


Development of a unique femtosecond laser source

Research and development of laser sources generating ultrafast pulses and associated optomechanical and electronic modules with innovative parameters.

Funded by: TAČR / Trend
Optice Photonics s.r.o., Crytur s.r.o., HiLASE Centre


Research and development of an advanced interaction vacuum system for laser spectroscopy

Development of advanced interaction vacuum systems enabling material analysis and sample testing with control of pressure and ambient atmosphere type.

Funded by: TAČR / Trend
ActivAir, CEITEC


Breakthrough Optoelectronic Materials for Instrumentation

The primary goal is to build a portfolio of new optoelectronic products where functional
core single crystal product is complemented by other components to create a functional
instrumentation unit.

Funded by: TAČR / Trend
CRYTUR (CZ), HiLase (CZ)


Compact ablation cell for analysis of samples by laser spectroscopy methods

The main output of this project is a detailed feasibility study containing the economic viability of the product. The goals aim to prepare precise market research, including competitive solutions, customers, production capacity, technical aspects and distribution network. Information obtained will help us with further development after the end of this project.  

Funded by:  TAČR/GAMA 2 Identificaiton code: TP03020014


Laser Spectroscopy for Industry 4.0

The project aims to develop a state-of-the-art instrument suitable for industrial processes and production facilities. Key characteristic will be adequate robustness to withstand harsh environments while providing necessary analytical power. The main results of the project will be stand-off LIBS system. Sample will be ablated directly in the production line or industrial facility (such as foundry). Advanced statistical algorithms and machine learning algorithm will be used for accurate quantitative analysis.

Funded by:  INTER-EXCELLENCE /  Identificaiton code: LTE121002
Partners: SL&PS (Japan)


SuperFly: advanced analytical system for laser spectroscopy

The main objective is to verify the commercial potential of an advanced analytical instrument using laser spectroscopy technology. It is the integration of LIBS instrumentation with other sub-modules (Raman spectroscopy, Florescence, IR spectroscopy, optical microscopy and others) to extend its analytical capabilities. It would enable a complete chemical analysis of the sample in one package.

This project is funded by the EU. 

Funded by: OPPIK / Proof of Concept


Application of the LIBS technology in the plastic recycling industry 

This project focused on a feasibility study of the use of LIBS technology in identifying undesirable elements in recycled plastics. Due to the tightening EU rules for recyclates in products and their control – ROhS and WEEE, new approaches are being sought. The speed and on-site analysis capability of LIBS makes it a suitable candidate for such commercial applications.

Funded by: Statutární město Brno, JIC / SME instrument Brno


How to reach us?

Lightigo s.r.o.

Renneská třída 329/13
639 00 Brno
Czech Republic

VAT: CZ02731410

+420 728 768 164


14 + 13 =


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